HARTFORD, Conn.Today, Governor Ned Lamont proposed a biennial budget for FY 2022 and 2023, including several proposed changes to Connecticut’s K-12 public education funding.

In response to how funding proposals could affect students at Stamford Charter School for Excellence and in Danbury Public Schools, Subira Gordon, Executive Director of the Connecticut Coalition for Achievement Now (ConnCAN) stated:

“While this budget modestly increases funding for high-quality state charter schools, we must invest more in models we know work. A final budget should include funding for Stamford Charter School for Excellence and Danbury Prospect.

Right now, students in Danbury Public Schools are suffering as a result of overcrowding. And, Danbury families have fought for years to open a school within their city limits. With Danbury Prospect approved by the State Board of Education, Connecticut must start funding the school this year. Likewise, Stamford Charter School for Excellence is a nationally-recognized school for its high performance. These centers of excellence are actively reducing the opportunity gap. Our funding system should support those efforts, not stymie them.”

State charter schools, that overwhelmingly serve black and brown students, received a per-pupil increase of $275. This now funds charter school students at the foundation amount, essentially the minimum wage for what Connecticut has determined it takes to educate a child. These are important and necessary steps towards a fully equitable system, and we must not tire in our pursuit of that goal. When racial funding gaps persist, children of color are left behind. This holds back our children, our state, and our society. Let’s close the racial funding gap once and for all.

In the 2022-2023 biennial proposed budget, Governor Lamont made the following investments in education:

  • $400M over two years, leveraging one-time federal funds earmarked for emergency purposes;
  • A $275 per-pupil increase for students attending state charter schools, totaling $2.9M per year in increased support
  • A $1.175M investment over the biennium for 100 students participating in an open choice pilot program in Norwalk and Danbury


About ConnCAN: ConnCAN is leading a movement to improve education outcomes for Connecticut’s kids. We bring advocates, policymakers, parents, and educators together to change the system and give all kids access to the great public schools they deserve.

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